Here's how it works over the 3 hours

3 HOUR Workshop

Understand all the hype about AI and why ChatGPT is a force to reckon with
Discover how ChatGPT and other Generative AI models work
Know the specific use cases, advantages and constraints of some of the different Generative AI Models
Learn the art and science of prompting and what makes a prompt perfect
Learn the Magic Prompt formula to always get the best output from ChatGPT
Understand the pitfalls of ChatGPT and what not to use it for
Develop a understanding of how to leverage AI in your specific professional domain to save hours of time every week
Demonstration of some of the most mind-blowing use cases of ChatGPT and other AI tools that you can implement from the very next morning
Learn about some of the most useful AI tools and extensions
Bonus tools, tips and tricks for selective attendees

1 Million+ Students

who have taken this workshop would recommend you to join in if you fit any of the following:

You’re a marketer willing to save his job and 15+ Hours in a week

Starting with ChatGPT learn the basics of AI that can help you become a better marketer. Learn how to produce high-converting copy, generate creative ideas and even cut out hours of analysis before taking decisions that affect your business positively.

You’re a Data/Tech Professional willing to upskill

Did you know that the Average Salary Hike a Data/Tech professional can get with AI skills is more than 40%?! Learn how AI can help you analyse vast amounts of data in minutes, help you code better and faster so that you can continue making accurate decisions and building impactful product.

Alex Garcia

ChatGPT will save your marketing team time and money if you know how to use it.

Wesley Tian

The old ideal founding team for AI startups: a bunch of ML PhDsThe new ideal founding team for AI startups: a prompt engineer + a full-stack software engineer

You’re an Startup owner/Freelancer Willing to grow faster

Navigating the complexities of a startup or freelance venture can be challenging and resource-heavy. By integrating AI and ChatGPT, businesses can maximize ROI across various verticals. Serving as an AI-powered second brain, ChatGPT enables startups and freelancers to achieve more with less, streamlining operations and bolstering growth potential for long-term success.

You’re a student willing to have a Future Proof Career!

If you are someone who want to future-proof career, specializing in ChatGPT & Generative AI can set you apart in the competitive digital landscape. Businesses investing heavily in AI-driven communication solutions are actively seeking skilled individuals with a deep understanding of AI capabilities. If you're ready to be among those distinguished professionals, this workshop is tailor-made for you.

Kunal Shah

ChatGPT is a better mentor for first time founders than most angel investors.

Sinan Aral

As ChatGPT and other LLMs become better and better at *answering questions,* the important complementary human skill becomes:Asking questions.As I tell my students... Asking really good questions is an art form that is becoming even more important in the Age of AI..

Frequently Asked

My friend joined this session for free, why is this paid now?
For our sessions, we usually have limited early bird slots which are free of cost. Once they are filled, we start taking in paid registrations for the session. Looks like you missed out this time around, better luck next time! ;)

Btw, If you want to be part of the early bird offer, then favourite the Growthschool email id on your account and then do watch out on your email. We keep sharing codes and sessions which you can access, free of cost 😁
Will I get a recording of this Workshop later?
Nope! Though we can. We don't share the recording.Here is why :
We want to remove the idea of “I will/ I can watch it later” and eventually never get to it. It's money wasted by you and time wasted by the mentor 🤷
We want to remove the procrastination completely. So that you block time, completely watch the session, take action and & make the most out of it. The GrowthSchool Experience is meant to be consumed by a batch of like-minded people. You don’t get that with boring recordings :P

Btw, if this format is not for you, make sure you check out the self-paced programs of GrowthSchool and there are some really good platforms beyond GrowthSchool which you could explore 😊
Is this a live session?
No, it’s better! :)

Here’s why :
This is an Interactive GrowthSchool experience in which you will be learning practical concepts taught by your mentor. You will be attending this stream with like-minded doers like you, while participating in polls, answering thought-provoking questions, attempting quizzes, and doing many more exciting activities.By the end of the value-packed session, you will have a roadmap to reach your desired outcomes 🚀
Can I record the session for personal use later?
The content is owned by GrowthSchool. It is not allowed to record and use it for personal use. Doing so will lead to legal repercussions.

But here’s what you should do 😛
Our best learners usually take notes or create mind maps and share them with the community. So, if you want to revisit your learnings or see what was in the content of the session, just take notes and revisit them in the future.Not only does it increase learning output also makes the overall learning experience much much better. Don’t believe it? Just try it :)
If I miss this can I join the next one?
Yes, you can. But you’ll have to wait for it to happen again :)
Why can't I watch it anytime I want?
Ask yourselves this simple question: How many online courses have you taken up to date? Out of them, how many did you actually complete?

How many books have you bought? How many have you completed to read?

Based on many studies, the completion rate on self-paced or do-it-anytime programs  lies between 2-8%

Over multiple experiments and ideation, we figured out that giving people access to content is not enough. Making people consume and finish the session is the most important thing.

You see, execution is the most underrated superpower and we would like you to have that.It is of no use if you just register for sessions and never watch them. But with our tech, we are providing a rich interaction-led experience with polls, quizzes, and chats which have helped us increase completion rates of learners go from 2-8% to hit 90%+

We are not one of those who care only about getting paid, we care about your outcomes and the impact that you could drive.Hence you see so many impact stories of GrowthSchool learners on social media.

Here is the conclusion, you can’t watch it anytime you want. You have to make up time, commit and complete it within that timeframe to reach your desired outcomes :)
Can I ask my questions to the mentor in the session?
Since this will be a power-packed session that will last for 1-1.5 hours it’s almost impossible to answer all the questions in that span. But of course, what we have made sure of is to answer all the most frequently asked questions.
Will I be given a certificate for a session?
No, we don’t provide certificates for this session. But the question is, what will you do with the certificate?

The better approach here would be to learn everything in-depth which is taught in the session, build your portfolio/proof of work and then find opportunities on platforms like LinkedIn/ Twitter. This will help you to reach your outcomes much faster than a certificate :)
Will I be asked to pay for anything later?
The intent of the GrowthSchool Short Experiences is to help you learn the core fundamentals of the topic and get you a roadmap to start your journey in the space.

This content in itself will be enough for 95% of learners who consume it. But there is always a small set of audience who wants to learn more, get more access to the mentor, get guidance directly from the mentor and more importantly go super deep into the topic - could be for building a career or to build or grow their businesses. For them in a few sessions, after everything is covered and the stream is done, we will be talking about our advanced programs which will enable that learning. You could totally drop off from the experience before that kicks-in, we always give heads-ups before we start.
Why is the price different for non-Indian consumers?
The workshop is super underpriced keeping in mind the Indian spend capacity. So for everyone who is not residing in India ( whether Indian or not ), the price will be different based on your country. This is still super underpriced considering the value given away in the workshop.
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